Ilford Park Regeneration 

Work included: 

Clean, lift & relay sunken areas of PCC slabs, replacing damage slabs with new. 
Clean, lift & relay sunken areas of block paving, replacing damaged paving with new. 
Demolish old, defective timber retaining walls & construct new concrete block retaining walls with face brickwork & PCC copings. 
Installation of galvanised & powder coated handrails. 
Excavation of defective asphalt footpaths & construction of new asphalt paths, including edge restraints. 
Plane off surface course to footpaths & the carriageway, clean, apply bond coat and resurface with surface course, using machine lay & handlay techniques. 
Lay thermoplastic road & footpath markings, including parking bays. 
Installation of bolt down rubber speed humps. 


11 Weeks 
VIVO Defence Services 


Close liaison with the estate manager with regards programme to minimise disruption to the residents, without negatively affecting programme. 
Design of the new retaining walls. 

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